Urban3 + Strong Towns


Learn more about Urban3 here and Strong Towns here

Strong Towns is a nonprofit whose mission is to support a model of development that allows America’s cities, towns and neighborhoods to grow financially strong and resilient. Strong Towns’ influential media feed reaches hundreds of thousands of people annually and is shaping the national conversation on growth, development and the future of cities.

Urban3 is a private consulting firm specializing in land value economics, property and retail tax analysis and community design. Urban3 seeks to empower their clients with the ability to promote development patterns that secure a community's fiscal condition while reinforcing a stronger sense of place. 

Urban3 and Strong Towns partner in many capacities including on data analysis, events and, previously, consulting. Together, Strong Towns and Urban3 are seeking a summer intern who will serve as a translator and liaison between these organizations, uniting their goals to produce content that speaks to a broad audience about issues of land use, transportation and economics.

The ideal candidate is a skilled writer with research experience and a visual mind who can also think quantitatively.

This job is based in Urban3’s Asheville, NC office, but will work closely with Strong Towns staff on a variety of communications platforms. The intern will be overseen by an analyst in the Urban3 office as well as Strong Towns president, Charles Marohn.



  • Write 1-3 articles for the Strong Towns website per week, covering issues related to Strong Towns’ and Urban3’s work.
  • Develop 1-2 long-term, in-depth series’ for the Strong Towns website over the course of the internship.
  • Create multimedia work (such as podcasts, videos, data visualizations, etc.) for Strong Towns and Urban3.
  • Participate in regular Strong Towns and Urban3 staff meetings.
  • Facilitate collaboration between Urban3 and Strong Towns on projects and shared goals.